REVIEW: The Gospel for Helpers by Tyler Zach

My YA review scheduled for today turned out to be a bust so instead I thought I would tell you a bit about a new Enneagram devotional I picked up this month. I have reviewed two of Tyler Zach’s previous devotionals in this series, but I have been waiting for it to be my turn – and that time has arrived!

I compared my husband’s copy of the book for his number to mine, and was pleased to see that they were different. This isn’t the sort of deal where every book follows the same outline, wedging in stuff for each type. And the entries I have read so far have been right on target. In fact, I have left each reading feeling  seen, understood, and valued, but also challenged or encouraged in some area of growth. There are spaces at the end of each entry for the reader to answer reflection questions. There’s also a prayer and a suggestion of how to respond to the material for that day.

If you have an Enneagram fan in your life, I think this devotional would make a great gift. There are devotionals for all of the numbers except 5, 7, and 8. I expect we will see those release in 2023.

Rating: ♥♥♥♥♥

REVIEW: The Gospel for Improvers by Tyler Zach

[I received a free electronic review copy of this book from the author in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.]


This is book 5 in the author’s series of devotionals for various Enneagram types. The devotionals for 3s, 9s, 6s, and 4s are already available; you can read my review of the first book, for Threes, here. It looks like *my* book for 2s will be out before the end of this year.

There are 40 days of devotionals in the book. Each day is laid out with the title, a Bible verse, a page or two of devotional thoughts and then a feature called “The Good News for Improvers.” This section ties the general Biblical content or truth to the personality of Enneagram 1s. After that section there is a short prayer, 3-4 reflection questions (with space to write answers), and a response activity.


As with the book for Achievers (3s), I loved the introductory material for this book, especially the caveat that this is “an invitation to be rather than do or improve.” I have a very strong 1 wing, and that statement really connected for me.

As far as general Enneagram content, the devotional addresses moves in stress and security, defense mechanisms, and subtypes. Each devotional ends with resource references which can lead readers to other materials to check out. There’s a lot of material here for readers to dig into. I could see this being something to return to annually as the reader grows in self-awareness and understanding of their Enneagram nuances. This is a “second tier” resource in my opinion as it is for folks who are solidly aware of their number, although it could also be helpful for folks who are trying to discern between two numbers if they could read both versions.

I gave this to my husband to read as he identifies as an Enneagram 1. He read a few of the entries and immediately said he would like to have the whole book to work through. He felt like the content really connected for him in a way that he both felt seen and understood and in a way where he felt the book could help him grow.

We both highly recommend this resource! (You can read more reviews of Enneagram resources here.)

Rating: ♥♥♥♥*

*♥♥♥♥ = Great! Might re-read.

BONUS REVIEW: The Gospel for Achievers by Tyler Zach

[I received an electronic review copy of this book from the author in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.]

Summary and Review

This opens with a thorough introduction. The implied reader is someone who already knows their Enneagram type, someone who identifies with the Enneagram 3, the Achiever. While I am not an Enneagram 3, I found the introduction fascinating. It’s affirming of 3s, stating affirmations for some of the type’s features from the Bible as well as statements of God’s love. It also challenges Achievers with Biblical truth to offset the lies of personality.

There are 40 days of devotionals in the book. Each day is laid out with the title, a Bible verse, a page or two of devotional thoughts and then a feature called “The Good News for Achievers.” This section ties the general Biblical content or truth to the personality of Enneagram 3s. After that section there is a short prayer, 3-4 reflection questions (with space to write answers), and a response activity.

I don’t know if it is the quality of the content or the fact that I occasionally access a 3-wing in Enneagram language, but I got a lot out of this resource. There were action steps that challenged me, and reflection questions that made me want to grab my journal. I shared the author’s website with a friend who identifies as a 3 so she could look at the sample devotionals and give me her opinions. She found them all challenging “in a good way.”

This whole book is well-resourced. There are end notes sharing where the author got some of his quotes and content. Readers may find those additional resources enjoyable. Then the book ends with a closing prayer for Achievers and some suggested Next Steps.

I have a personal Enneagram theory that writers write through the lens of their Enneagram type, and you can sometimes pick it up. Bob Goff identifies as a 7, and you can hear it in the enthusiasm of his writing, not to mention the stories he shares. When I read Made Like Martha, I wondered if the author was an Enneagram 2 from the way she approached her subject. I really connected with that book a lot.

There was a moment when I was reading one of the devotions here where the author assigned a motive to Martha, ironically enough, that I would not have attributed to her in the story at all. His statement – that she was “concerned with impressing Jesus” – to me reflects an Achiever mindset whereas I would have described her motives differently, probably reading my own motives into her actions. This theory of mine makes me wonder if that is why some books connect differently with different readers. Maybe an author’s style or character descriptions or conclusions rub up against readers of a different type in different ways.

With that in mind, I am curious to read this author’s take on my number when he produces that devotional in the future. I’ll have to wait awhile – I think the book for 9s is coming next. This book releases August 1, 2020. At the time of this writing, it is available to read for free to Kindle Unlimited subscribers.

Rating: ♥♥♥♥

You can go here to read all about the other Enneagram resources I have reviewed.